
Guide to understanding the art of deflowering a girl
Ok, so you’re finally got hold of that night where you and your female sex buddy will meet and make the beast with two backs. However, what if the girl’s a virgin? If that’s the case, then we’ll give you the low-down on the way or the art where you’ll pop her cherry confidently. So read on, mates.
Remember that there’s no pressure
Losing the virginity can be a very big decision for any girl (or even for a guy for that matter). So if she has chosen you as the guy to accomplish this mission, it may be a lot to deal with. Now, the thing is that you mustn’t take any pressure. Because getting anxious and pressurising yourself in such matters will botch the situation.
So a good thing is that you’ll have to talk to the people who’re experienced in this sexual activity. Our advice is that you must touch base with a casual sex buddy and get tips from the person.
Ensure that she’s ready
First thing that you’ll have to ask her is, ‘Are you ready for your first ride, hon?’ And if she’s a bit hesitant to answer, we’ll counsel you to not haste; that’s because haste makes wastes. So it’ll better if you have a heart-to-heart with her about what she thinks about washing away with her virginity? If she’s apprehensive, we’ll say that you both must take your own sweet time.
We’ll recommend such a serious confab between you people if you’re in a long-term relation. So it’ll better if you set things straight from the word go. And if you have this conversation with her, she’ll doubtlessly feel more comfortable—regardless of the outcome.
Here are the top two tips to follow if you’ve got a female fuck buddy who wishes to lose her virginity. These tips must be followed by the book so that you are able to make sweet love with your girl and will be able to deflower her with casual efficiency.